Andrew loves a good, hearty vegetable garden. This year we has two garden boxes that will be full of a great variety of fresh veggies for us to eat! Andrew build a really neat fence system around our main garden (the fence lifts right off and on to allow easy access to all sides) to keep out bunnies or unwanted critters from digging up seeds etc. He also made some fancy potato boxes.
In the garden below, we have already planted onions, peas, carrots, spinach and in those potato boxes, Yukon Gold & Red potatoes.
We also have very large flower beds surrounding our place. Last year they ran wild (as we had no time to work in them with Emma just being born) but this year we will be spending a lot of time playing and relaxing outside so we wanted to try to manage them a bit better. We decided to use black cedar mulch to try and control the weeds a bit and so far it has been helping. These gardens are growing fast and just starting to bloom. We love sitting out back on our swing now and will be spending a lot of time back here :)
I also purchased a little swing for Emma at toys r us the other day. Andrew tied it up in one of the trees on our lot, and she LOVES it.
It isn't until you become a mom yourself that you can truly truly appreciate the sacrificial love your mother has shown you for so many years. Thanking God for blessing Andrew and I with wonderful, beautiful and faithful mothers.
We've been gearing up for Emma's 1st birthday. We are just having a small BBQ with family, but of course I have all these fun ideas flowing through my head.
Emma is almost walking. She's been standing up against furniture for almost two months and is slowly gaining the confidence & balance. She is still busy chewing everything she can get her hands on (horrible horrible teething) but is really starting to understand games and imitate those around her (uhoh!). Her favourite words are: up, uhoh, mama, dada and we are currently working on ball. She has been known to say "nana" on occasion (that's for you mom ;)
We are so excited about spring - Emma and I went for a lovely walk this morning.