I turned to google and started frantically typing in different phrases and words to find other pilot wife blogs - that had a heart for Christ behind them. I prayed to God,
"Help me to find a blog or resource written by a seasoned, wise pilot's wife. A women with knowledge, helpful hints and a heart after your word who can direct me in this season of life."
My search came up quite short, in fact, what I found was a lot of the opposite of what I was seeking. While I connected with a lot of the pilot wife blogs I found - full of complaints and challenges.. they definitely did not leave me feeling refreshed, helped or encouraged. They didn't point me to God's word and how he might be trying to change and shape me through each daily challenge in motherhood or in my marriage. I came up empty handed.
So that's when I felt challenged to start a blog series. Maybe I can start to come up with some helpful tools, some "I've been there, here's how I've grown from this challenge" and "I'm choosing to see the joy in this today" kind of posts. I am far from a good writer, so you will have to bear with me as I fumble around.. but my prayer is that you will be encouraged by the things I share here. That each post, will in turn, bring Glory to our great King and Lord, and that we will be constantly driven to Him and His word for comfort and strength each day, no matter what he has ordained for our lives.
"Your eyes saw my unformed subsatnce; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." - Psalm 139:16