Emma Lynn

by - 8:38 PM

We welcomed Emma Lynn into the world on Tuesday June 4th, at 9:55 pm. I was able to have a home birth (which is a crazy story in itself) and with only 4.5 hours of labour and the help of my midwife, Emma arrived. She is a tiny 6lb 6oz and a nice 20 inches long.

One week old today - the week has just flown by. Emma is quite adorable, making it very difficult for me to choose only a few photos of my already hundreds to share... Here is our little bundle of joy :) We are so thankful for her. God is good.

And just for fun - here are some photos of Emma's many "poses."

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  1. I love the series of 4 at the bottom, I remember when Eden was a little peanut like Emma

  2. She's so beautiful! I love the one of her snuggling you in the little yellow blanket.

  3. Oh Sharlet...I was forgetting to check your blog, and now there are so many pictures! Way too much cuteness for me to absorb all at once. :)
