Links I like - Mom Style

by - 11:16 AM

Lisa-Jo Bakers wrote an amazing post 10 Things To Do Differently *Before* You Lose Your Temper on her blog Surprised by Motherhood. This is a great resource for a mom with one or many children running around her home.

Jen Wilkins wrote a wonderful post about cherishing all of the personalities and gifts that God blesses a child with in her post when your child's personality annoys you.

This adorable wrap is a MUST BUY for whenever we might be having baby #2... no I'm not pregnant. Settle down. I personally LOVE the Natural & Grey Stripe option.

We are so so happy with our latest scarf purchase (ok, our only scarf purchase) for Emma from Coral and Poppy. She loves wearing it, it keeps her cozy and its adorable. This plaid one is calling my name.. now if only I could fit it in the budget..

And... last but definitely not least. I really appreciated this post A Lazy Mom Reviews Toddler Activities on Hellobee. This mom's little boy sounds EXACTLY like Emma. Many fun toddler crafts or activities tend to be a waste of time as Emma bulldozes through them or ends up eating the pasta she is supposed to be sorting. I still can't decide if making play dough is worth it, as it might all disappear into her mouth when I leave the room. Sigh. This mom writes an honest review of some toddler activities and lets you know if they are worth your time. I also just love the honest title. Here's one of my favourite parts:

"I started scanning Pinterest for activities, hoping to find something worthwhile.  My expectations were running high; my head was filled with images of Scribble and I peacefully sorting beans. 
Needless to say my expectations were dashed!"

Amen sister, mine too.

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  1. Thanks for that post on anger. I've been really struggling with this and that was a huge help to me!

    1. Glad to hear it!! Some days are so hard (and I'm not even dealing with the battle of the wills yet...sigh)
